Make Your Friday Night Sizzle With This Sweet Maca Recipe
It’s finally Friday! What better way to spend a cozy weekend night than curled up on the couch with your sweetie, the latest new release, and a big bowl of popcorn? This weekend, don’t hit the hay once the final credits roll; spice up your popcorn with our Maca recipe to ensure your movie will be followed by a little sizzle in the bedroom…
Maca root is an ancient aphrodisiac that’s not only full of nutrients, but also helps to support energy and stamina, plus boost libido!
Maca Recipe: Sweet Maca Popcorn 
1/3 cup popcorn kernels
3 tbsp. coconut oil (or healthy oil of choice)
2 tsp. Maca root powder
1-2 tsp. honey (or agave nectar)
Salt to taste
1. In a medium saucepan, heat the coconut oil over medium heat.
2. Add popcorn kernels and cover the saucepan loosely, leaving a small crack for steam to escape.
3. As soon as the corn begins to to pop, hold the cover in place and shake the pan continuously over the heat until popping slows to 2-3 seconds between pops.
4. Carefully empty popcorn into a big bowl.
5. In a glass cup, mix honey or agave syrup with Maca powder until smooth. (Warm honey or syrup slightly for easier mixing.)
Drizzle sweet mixture over popcorn, and stir to evenly distribute. Salt to taste, and enjoy!
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