After the birth of a child, it's common for new mothers to experience decreased libido. Low libido after childbirth can occur for a variety of reasons, including  physical concerns like pain during sex, mental or emotional causes or a simple shift in priorities. Now, new research suggests a correlation between a baby's tears and low libido after childbirth.

Childbirth and Decreased Libido

Could Baby's Tears Contribute To Low Libido After Childbirth? 2Scientists and medical professionals opine that it is relatively normal for a new mother to experience a diminished libido after giving birth. A new mom's declining desire to engage in intercourse may be traced back to a number of biological, physical and mental changes that occur in the wake of child birth. Specific examples include:

Biological and Physical Issues

Pregnancy and childbirth take a significant toll on a woman's body. Following both processes, the new mother might experience certain systemic changes, which can alter her mood from time to time and cause temporary pain and other untoward physical manifestations like constipation, urinary difficulties, vaginal pain leading to uncomfortable intercourse and aching in the legs and lower back.

Mental and Emotional Matters

For many women, becoming a mother kindles maternal instincts that cause a woman to worry more and place her focus on providing the safest and most comfortable environment for her child. This shift in concentration and priorities may deflect attention away from sexual relations as well as contribute to decreased libido.

Additionally, the biological impacts of pregnancy and childbirth might also contribute to bodily changes that cause a woman to feel like she has lost her sex appeal. Furthermore, the responsibility of child-rearing often causes fatigue, which can serve as a reason for a woman's diminished desire for sex.

External Stimuli as a Cause for Low Libido After Childbirth

Researchers recently examined whether specific forms of external stimuli may also adversely impact the sex drive of new mothers -- with surprising results. A team of Japanese scientists representing Tokyo University opine that a baby's tears may elicit such a deleterious influence.

Said researchers established their hypothesis and studied laboratory mice. These scientific professionals concluded that the tears of newborn mice negatively impacted the libido of their mothers. During the study, examiners determined that the mice who had recently given birth rejected the sexual advances of their male counterparts.

Researchers believe that such a reaction might be precipitated by chemicals contained inside the baby mice's tears known as pheromones. Pheromones are substances secreted by a living creature's body to trigger the attention of other creatures, typically of the opposite sex. Once these chemicals are released, brain receptors pick up the signals said substances submit and living beings like mice react accordingly.

The Japanese scientists examined the impacts of pheromones ESP1 and ESP22 on female mice. They determined that ESP1 typically causes subjects to yearn sexual contact while ESP22 often resulted in the rejection of such desires. In the study, the researchers exposed the female subjects to both substances. The mice who were exposed to ESP1 and ESP22 displayed little sexual desire, suggesting the sex-repulsing pheromone (ESP22) was strong enough to override the impact of the desire-stimulating substance (ESP1).

The examiners further concluded that these pheromones emit specific odors that are detected by the nose. Researchers agreed the findings of this study are noteworthy because pheromones are important to human sexual attraction, thus similar study on human subjects would be warranted.

Methods Women can Employ to Overcome Low Libido After Childbirth

The preceding study might eventually have significant implications for women experiencing decreased sex drive following childbirth. However, regardless of low libido's precipitating factors, there are certain remedial techniques women might consider employing to reverse low libido after childbirth. Some suggestions include:

Identify the Cause

Post-partum loss of libido may be triggered by a host of specific issues. Once the specific cause is identified, the issue may be resolved with the help of medication or natural remedies. Therefore, women experiencing decreased sex drive following childbirth are encouraged to first discuss the matter with their doctors before initiating any remedial action.

Find Time to Relax

Increased stress and anxiety is often a precipitating factor in diminished libido. The heightened tension brought on by motherhood could be significant. While it is normal for impacted women to show concern for their newborns, said individuals must also look out for themselves.

Whenever time permits, healthcare professionals recommend that new moms find the time to relax. Settling down could involve partaking in an enjoyable hobby or just taking a short nap. Relaxation could improve mood, ease minor aches and pains and heighten libido.

Prepare for Sex

Could Baby's Tears Contribute To Low Libido After Childbirth? 1New mothers become moms first, lovers second. In such circumstances, it might be necessary or helpful to establish the mood and environment necessary to engage in meaningful intercourse. The proper mood and environment might be established by preparing the bedroom, dimming the lights, playing a certain type of music, having a romantic meal or using lubrication (for women whose pregnancies caused vaginal dryness or other potentially painful symptoms).

Be Honest

A lack of sex could cause significant strife between relationship partners. New moms are encouraged to be honest with their spouses or significant others about the emotions they are feeling and attempt to ensure said partners that these issues are connected to becoming a mother and not related to anything they are doing.

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