L-Arginine HCl

L-Arginine HCl

L-Arginine HCI
L-Arginine HCI

L-arginine is an important amino acid that your body must have in order to create proteins. You get the L-arginine your body needs from the food you eat. Some good food sources of L-arginine are red meat, poultry, fish like tuna and salmon, as well as dairy products and nuts like peanuts and almonds.

What Does L-arginine Do?

The amino acid L-arginine is among the most potent of all amino acids which work to support healthy sexual desire. It is needed by the body for cell renewal, hence for the healthy production of sperm and for egg maturation. L-arginine is also needed to convert amino acids to nitric oxide (NO), the "key" to healthy blood circulation and arousal.

NO works to dilate blood vessels for healthy blood flow, and is extremely important for a healthy cardiovascular system and central nervous system. NO is also regarded as a great supporter of the immune system. NO also promotes healthy sexual desire, and healthy circulation to the sex (and other) organs.

L-arginine Studies

Numerous studies support L-arginine's benefits to the cardiovascular system. It has been shown to promote healthy blood flow and clotting activity. In other studies, L-arginine has been shown to help maintain healthy blood flow to the sexual organs in men, and to play an important role in maintaining healthy fertility in men.

One study examining the result of supplementation of L-arginine and a blend of ginseng, ginkgo, damiana, multivitamins and minerals in women age 22-73 with self-reported low libido found that the participants noticed improvement in a variety of areas. The pre-menopausal women experienced a significant increase in desire, overall sexual satisfaction, and frequency of sex. Peri-menopausal women reported an increase in frequency of sex, and overall sexual satisfaction. Post-menopausal women reported a significant increase in sexual desire.

Read more about L-arginine study: L-arginine Study